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Top on-demand app ideas to start a profitable startup in 2021

The world is changing at breakneck speed. Mobile apps are on the rise, and users are looking for speed, convenience, and simplicity. But do you want to know what types of applications are required?

With the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, people now prefer to have most things delivered to their doorstep to stay at home for as long as possible.

Given this opportunity, if you are planning to develop on-demand apps in the US, check out these 13 on-demand app ideas for 2021, which are in high demand, but the supply of these apps is short. Be the first to become a leading name in the app development category.

Overview of the on-demand service application

According to a Statista report, the app is expected to generate $ 188.9 billion in revenue through the App Store and in-app ads in 2020.

This reflects an opportunistic decline for investors, startups, and entrepreneurs. The apps not only boost your business economy but also generate goodwill for it.

The pie chart represents widespread app usage and calculation:

  • 86.5 million Americans use the service on demand.
  • 45 million Americans provided services in the on-demand sector.
  • 22.4 million users spend nearly $ 57.6 billion annually on on-demand services.

pie chart

Now, after seeing these crazy numbers, you can have your mobile app to serve the audience.
If you’re still not convinced with your startup ideas, we’ve created some specific ideas your startup or entrepreneur can expect.

The idea of ​​on-demand application

Cab Booking App Like Uber apps

The era of on-demand apps has begun with Uber and AirBnB. In this increasingly opportunistic world, no one wants to be left behind, not even for a few seconds. The transportation and logistics industry has taken a new direction in a short time with the huge success of taxi apps like Uber, Lyft, and Carrom.

cab booking appThe transportation industry is huge. You can also plan a freight logistics app, taxi reservation app, bus reservation app, e-scooter, and bike app. Those who prefer to travel often need accessible transportation that is within their budget.

With an app like Uber, you can create your destination location with great features like live traffic monitoring, GPS navigator, and a flight cancellation at no additional cost.

Pharmacy delivery applications

With COVID-19, we are facing an enemy completely invisible to us. We can defeat it by staying home as much as possible. This is the reason why these apps are in great demand today.
Imagine you have a headache. Do you want to go out and buy some medicine or send people close to you to go out and come into contact with someone with COVID-19? At these times, new prescription delivery companies may appear.

Pharmacy delivery applicationsUber Medication, or a prescription delivery app, allows people to purchase essential drugs and drugs at the pharmacy whenever they want. The trend is here to stay because even according to the World Health Organization, the coronavirus is not going to disappear anytime soon.

Fashion applications

If you’re stuck at the office and have so much work to do that you can’t buy a gift for your wife’s birthday, what would someone do? The answer is simple! The Fashion app is your one-stop destination for all last-minute requests.

Fashion applications

Ecommerce app development can give you as much visibility as Amazon. Fashion will never stop.

Statista’s report shows that 42% of consumers prefer to buy online. It continues to accelerate as people continue to shop online. You can also add features like a payment system, shopping cart, and push notifications.

Health apps on demand

People are becoming more aware of their health day by day. But due to their busy schedules, everyone can’t go to the gym or attend a meditation class. In this scenario, your app will be a simple set of exercises for them.

If you are thinking of delving into healthy apps, grab your chance now. The concept of “health” is an endless field in itself. You can create a medical advice app, an informational app for important ailments, a health and fitness app, and a meditation app.

There is more to discover and this type of app concept can generate a lot of revenue and brand name for your business.

Plumbing applications on demand

Gone are the days of paper bills and calling a plumber a thousand times over to fix a pipe or faucet. Try something different with your plumbing app. Being new to the industry will make you more successful.


health app

You can create your plumbing app that calculates piping and water flow information, or you can inspect multiple systems to get more efficient and accurate results.

Finding a plumber was a difficult task a long time ago, but online apps now make it easier for users to find them.

Mechanics applications on demand

Fill the gap between the mechanic and the owner of the car. Recently there has been an increase in demand for auto repair applications. People travel around the world with their means of transportation. There are places where a garage or mechanic is not available your app is a saver for travellers.

Before considering a concept, make sure you are heading to the right place, with unique features that may appeal to your audience. In the case of mechanical applications, make your application available in those remote areas and hire qualified mechanics who can be the heart of your business.

Plant delivery Apps

There is plenty of scientific evidence to suggest that houseplants can remove harmful toxins from the air and reduce stress. A study by the University of Queensland found that factory offices saw productivity increases of as much as 15%.

However, finding the right plant for your home or office is a problem. Especially if you live in urban areas and don’t know much about plants. This has increased the demand for apps and sites that sell plants.

Not only is ordering plants online convenient, but these apps and websites offer a greater variety of plants than regular stores. There is a lot of space in the market and if you know which features to include in a factory delivery app, you can beat it.

Beauty services applications

If we look at the statistics, the average woman spends about $ 3,756 a year on beauty services. It’s a huge amount.

Now, if you already have a growing beauty services company, you can add an app for unbeatable huge profits. Even if you are an entrepreneur, you will still get a profitable business model.

Today, working women do not have much time to spend in the salon. It requires an effective solution that can serve the best aesthetic services. That’s exactly what this app will do for them including the comforts of home.

House Cleaning Apps

In an increasingly fast-paced world, we often see working professionals, single-parent families, seniors, or those who can afford it have entrusted cleaning services to professionals to save time.

No doubt the trend to hire home cleaning services is on the rise. Additionally, due to the increase in professional work, the demand for home cleaning services will continue to grow in the coming years.

Dog walking apps

According to a report from III, 63.4 million households in the United States have a dog. This number will increase over time.

Many of them are unable to take care of their pets due to their busy schedules, but they need special care as pets are an integral part of the family.

This has opened many opportunities for entrepreneurs wanting to invest heavily in developing on-demand dog walking applications. With the right strategies and the right planning, you can get the most out of it and grow your business.

Laundry applications

Statista predicts that the laundry product segment will generate $ 76.3 billion in sales in 2020. It is expected to grow 4% annually.

Who would have thought that a simple laundry service could generate such a large income? No one can ignore the contribution of laundry and dry cleaning services.

Laundry services have become our must-haves as no one wants to sit down on the weekends to do this monotonous task when they can use their time for something important. These simple concepts influenced the invention of wash-on-demand applications.

An on-demand video streaming application

According to Statista, revenue from video-on-demand streaming services is expected to reach $ 71.237 billion in 2021. Video-on-demand apps came to life as Netflix and Amazon Prime began to dominate the industry with their apps.

Of course, they have changed the way people watch movies and shows in the past. Now all you need to watch your favourite shows is a good internet connection and a subscription.

However, it will not completely replace TV, but over time people gradually began to prefer video streaming apps. These types of apps have it all; Flexibility, convenience, download, and preference to add an enjoyable experience to the life of the audience.

After becoming COVID-19, people don’t like to watch movies outside due to exposure to it. Hence, creating a video-on-demand streaming app might be the best idea for your business.

On-demand E-learning App

Once again, due to COVID-19, students are locked in interior doors. Now the question arises, how will students study?

Creating applications such as e-learning on-demand can help these students continue their education. The adoption of digitization is currently one of the best opportunities for the education sector. Online learning applications have not only changed the way we provide education but also created demand in the market.

E-learning-AppIf you are planning to create an e-learning app, you can add advanced features such as uploading your complete information to teachers, video calls, and video lessons.

The cost of developing an on-demand service application

The cost of developing an app varies with the platform and its features. You will need to ensure that you plan to build the app on Android or iOS, or both, and the features that you will include in the app.

Other important factors affecting application cost are the design, premium APIs, and technologies.

Creating a simple on-demand app takes 150 to 200 hours. Assuming a mobile app development company like ours charges $ 40 an hour, then a basic app with the following features will cost you between $ 6,000 and $ 8,000.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to create an on-demand application?

To create a mobile app such as a food or grocery on-demand app, you need to do the following:

Step 1: Research the market situation, the needs of your target audience, and your competitors, such as your app.
Step 2: Make an estimate and start searching for app developers.
Step 3: Hire developers from reputable developers.
Step 4: Discuss your project and start developing.
Step 5: Advertise and launch your app.

What are some examples of the best on-demand service applications?

Here are some of the best on-demand apps in their respective fields:

  • Uber: Taxi app
  • Postmates: Grocery delivery app
  • Drizly: Alcohol delivery app
  • Soothe: Massage therapy app
  • Rover: Dog walking app
  • Zomato: Food delivery app

How long does it take to develop an On-Demand service application?

It usually takes 150-200 hours to develop an on-demand app. The period will depend on various factors such as platform, technology, features, and design.


The modern world is all about instant gratification. Do you need to go somewhere right away? Register an Uber account. On-demand applications are the pioneers in the world of software development.

To match a rapidly changing world, app development can help you reach audiences while making a big show of your brand.

So if you have a new or simple app idea in mind, you can check it out with us. We’ll help you discover great ideas that haven’t yet been created.

We are a leading Android app company with a dedicated team of developers and we have already developed over 40 on-demand solutions.

Anupam Singh is a Technical Content Writer at Softkingo who is a curious learner and closely follows the latest developments in technology. She adds value to her writing and helps companies build a healthy online presence through engaging, informative, and shareable blog posts. She loves to master new skills to improve and make her writing more effective and trend-setting.

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