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E-commerce App – Know About Its Benefits and Features

It is predicted that apps for mobile devices will be the dominant force in online sales by 2022, representing 54% of the total online sales. It is not surprising that hundreds of eCommerce apps come into and leave the market every month. If you’re planning to start your own eCommerce business, it’s essential to ensure that your app includes all essential eCommerce mobile app development capabilities.

Before we discuss the best attributes of eCommerce apps, we need to know the essential components you’ll need to construct to build your eCommerce app.

A dashboard for eCommerce apps comprises the client panel, vendor panel, and admin panel. It is the information each panel should accommodate so that your app will function effectively:

The goal of the three components is to create an experience that attracts more customers and generates more revenue. The goal is to increase the efficiency of these components by enhancing them with the top features for mobile app development in eCommerce.

Top eCommerce Mobile App Features(Android & iOS)

The following are the most important features of your app that you should concentrate on at all times during your mobile eCommerce app development:

Registration and Simple login

Facilitate the process of logging into your application by making it easier to fill out registration forms and allowing customers to utilize their email addresses for the login. They can log in with external accounts, such as Facebook or Google, or use a personal password. The ease of access will translate into a greater conversion rate and increased revenue.
Users don’t need to input more information to use the application. its simple entry point makes an online store mobile easier to access.

Filtering and sorting products that are user-friendly and easy to use

If you provide many products, it is essential to use efficient sorting and filtering features. By cutting down on the steps, customers need to compete to find the item they require, increasing sales and offering a great customer experience. Consequently creating the impression of brand loyalty among customers.

Product gallery

A product’s page is not complete without a gallery of the product, which includes at minimum images of the product. Many customers are hesitant to purchase online since they can’t assess the product like the brick-and-mortar shop. With the addition of numerous pictures that showcase the product from various angles and in different settings, you’ll be able to tackle it effectively.

Shopping cart

One of the best features of mobile commerce apps is shopping carts. It is an essential feature for any online shop as mobile apps for shopping makes no exception. When you include adding a shop cart into your online store, it creates a pleasant user experience and offers customers the freedom to choose when they make purchases. Making sure that your mobile commerce app can adjust to the needs and preferences of customers is essential to its performance.

Product-filtering and sorting options for easy navigation

The mobile screen size is limited, and the users’ attention span. So your eCommerce app must facilitate an easy journey to your users.
Ensure that each product has a category, preferably a subcategory and a brand associated with it. If users can search for products by categories and brands on your eCommerce mobile app, they are more likely to return to your app often.

Multiple payment options to facilitate easy checkout

Finding a suitable payment method on an eCommerce application is one of the major causes of abandoned carts. When you make checkout procedures easy and secure, you’ll be able to lower your abandonment by more than 31 percent.

Some customers prefer to pay using credit cards to earn loyalty points. Others prefer cash-on-delivery. UPI is now very convenient for some customers, and others are trying to earn cashback when they pay using electronic wallets.

Therefore, facilitating all of the payment options is among the most crucial eCommerce mobile app aspects you must be focusing on.

A reliable feedback system

Without an overall feedback system, an unsatisfactory experience could cause a significant amount of damage. People are more likely to discuss the bad experiences with at the very least 16 others within their networks.

The best method to avoid this is to incorporate an efficient feedback mechanism within your application. Users should be able to report any issues and also to provide suggestions.

You can create detailed feedback forms for your app to gain insight into your users’ concerns and needs. Sending email surveys and asking customers to review your online application and rate your products are other ways to receive feedback from your customers.

A single of the significant functions of mobile commerce apps is the wishlist feature. Making a wish list of items is something that many online consumers are used to when browsing their preferred online shops. Your app should be able to translate this experience to the mobile market. Customers can benefit from this feature to save products they want without adding the items to their carts.

Discounts and flash sales

Sales and promotions are as effective on the mobile apps for shopping as they would be in brick and mortar stores. It is easy to notify customers about events that are coming up, should they choose to do so. The addition of this feature enhances the experience for customers. It boosts the sales you can make at your shop since the customers will be reminded to complete purchases regularly.

Intelligent personalization to recommend suitable alternatives

If your app can make the correct customized recommendations for your customers and customers, it could increase the sales of your online store by as much as 15 percent.

Incorporating the user’s name when displaying the recommended products is a way to create an impression of personalization. “Frequently bought together” and “customers who bought this also bought that” are effective methods to encourage your customers to think about different alternatives.

Finally, sending personalized advice via email campaigns can help create a relationship with your clients.

The benefits of developing an eCommerce application

Suppose you’re keeping up with the speed of the digital age and are aware that having a business website isn’t enough. The days of businesses would have preferred website banners and roadside ads advertising on Facebook, email marketing and more, to draw customers.

Nowadays, mobile apps are recognized as crucial in creating connections between customers and businesses. Indeed the applications for mobile commerce are recognized for their ability to understand their customers better.

Through an eCommerce mobile application, business owners can engage with customers from any location and time.

Accurate brand recognition

One of the main advantages of developing mobile eCommerce apps is the increased visibility of your brand. It’s also the most practical benefit of mobile commerce.

With a mobile-based eCommerce platform, companies can communicate with their customers, as most users spend a lot of time on their mobile. The small screens typically make customers feel more frustrated, and according to research, 32% of mobile app users will remove an app when they aren’t able to use it. It can result in a poor user experience. It is why brands must provide the best quality and user-friendly mobile app experience.

Marketing communication has been improved

Thanks to mobile devices, customers are connected to brands all day long. Mobile devices have changed how customers engage with the brands they love, receive information, and shop. Customers are increasingly shopping online using their mobile devices. Therefore, companies must incorporate these devices into their marketing strategies. This can help in improving interactions between the customer and the brand.

To use the power of connected customers, companies must ensure a continuous and constant engagement with mobile eCommerce. Apart from helping customers stay in touch with their business, it could present discounts, coupons, and deals to customers more efficiently.

Increase Customer Loyalty

Implementing a customer loyalty program is the most efficient method to convince your customers to buy more. The presence of an eCommerce mobile application will increase the likelihood that your customers will take part in it type of program. Additionally, they have an 82% greater likelihood of shopping on sites that offer loyalty programs for customers. it is something you must make use of.

Mobile apps allow customers to view their progress within the system in real-time. A loyalty program offers your customers an incentive to make more purchases to achieve your next prize. You can, for instance, build your loyalty program around transactions. Make a purchase using the app on your mobile 10 times, and you’ll receive an immediate discount on the next purchase.

Another option to set up an incentive program for loyalty can be to offer rewards for customers according to the amount they spent over a certain period. Anyone who has spent more than $500 one year will be rewarded with any reward or discount. People who spend more than $1500 per year can enjoy even greater incentives or discounts.

In a psychological sense, It motivates customers to increase their purchase value and their purchases to get to the next spending level. Certain businesses may already have a loyalty program available on their website. However, running the same promotional or campaign via an app for mobile devices is more efficient.


In light of the many reasons we’ve discussed, the significance of the mobile application for your eCommerce business is simply unrivaled. If you’ve figured out the reason why apps are so essential for your eCommerce business, it’s the right time to get started. If you lack a mobile app to run your business or control your website, you need to consider it. Softkingo is an eCommerce mobile app development company that builds an effective mobile app that will make your mark in the crowd.

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